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Fwd: Prayer Urgently Needed Just received this from a friend please read

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne.

Justin Solomon

Begin forwarded message:

From: Solomon Gnanaraj <>
Date: 21 March 2015 8:02:14 pm IST
To: hannah  john <>,  Shalom    <>,  Samson  Davis <>,  David    <>,  cmredit    <>,  Go  Fish <>,  David Sing  Sing <>,  Prawin    <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  Alice  Yu <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  rachel    <>,  "" <>,  priscy    <>,  rufus  jayakumar <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  TheophonyFM    <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  suresh samuel    <>,  "  " <>,  Fletcher Franklin    <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>,  Abraham vasanth    <>,  "" <>,  chris  eaton <>,  Debora  Samuel <>,  Ebe    <>,  "" <>,  "  " <>,  "Fredrick  G." <>,  "" <>,  Isaac  David <>,  "" <>,  Jonathan  Samuel <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  liron  recordings <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  "" <>,  Mani  Philip <>,  Marcus Kirubakaran    <>,  Moses  Jeyakaran <>,  noah  daniel <>,  "" <>,  "  " <>,  sanford  philips <>,  Shyam  Benjamin <>,  "  " <>,  "  " <>
Subject: Fw: Prayer Urgently Needed Just received this from a friend please read
Reply-To: Solomon Gnanaraj <>

On Friday, 20 March 2015 10:24 PM, prabhu dorairaj <> wrote:

Dear friends & family members ,

Seeing this  mail my heart is broken and I am almost in tears. Kindly forward this to as many believers as possible. Pray that the ISIS will come to the knowledge of the saving power of the Almighty God Jesus Christ.
  Be sure to  see the 4 photos below. 
    The  whole world needs to see what kind of people these ISIS terrorists are. 


 Here is an  urgent prayer request for all of us!!  
  She asked  that it be forwarded ASAP to as many people possible:  
  Dear Friend:  Just a few minutes ago, I received the following text message on my  phone, from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI), We  spoke briefly on the phone, and I assured him that we would share this  urgent prayer need with all our contacts.
We lost the city of  Queragosh. It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children  systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling food to. ISIS  has pushed back Kurdish Forces, and is within 10 minutes of where our  CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last  night. The UN evacuated its staff in Erbil. Our team is unmoved and will  stay. Prayer cover needed!!!.
  Please pray  sincerely for the deliverance of people of northern Iraq from the  terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass  conversion or death for Christians in this area.  
  May I plead  with you not to ignore this email? Do not forward it before you have  prayed through it. Then send it to as many people as possible.
Send  it to friends and Christians you know. Send it to your prayer group.  Send it to your pastors. Any one you can think of. We need to stand in  the gap for our fellow Christians.
We can do nothing else than pray for these innocent souls who are butchered daily. Please pray and forward this to as many believers as possible.


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